President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) enacted a Presidential Regulation on the Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan (RIPPP) 2022-2041, on 17 April 2023. Three major development missions in Papua are outlined in the regulation, namely Papua Sehat (Healthy Papua), Papua Cerdas (Smart Papua), and Papua Produktif (Productive Papua).
To carry out this mission, as Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy for Papua (BP3OKP), the Vice President inaugurated six members of BP3OKP, at the Vice President’s Palace, Monday (29/5/2023).
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin gave instructions to the six BP3OKP members who are made up of representatives of each province in Papua. Namely, ensuring that development programmes can run well and sustainably, and answer the needs of the Papuan people.
“I hope the BP3OKP members can truly oversee the completion of the programmes stipulated in the RIPPP and RAPPP as a 5-year action plan,” said Ma’ruf, Monday (29/5).
Furthermore, the Vice President specifically conveyed four important points that each BP3OKP Member needs to be guided in order to carry out their duties. First, paying attention to the aspirations and needs of the Papuan people in depth.
The Vice President urged the BP3OKP members to collaborate with each other and act in a concerted manner in an effort to accelerate development in Papua.
“Second, immediately work and synergise, take strategic steps, and harmonise and implement various policies within the framework of accelerating development and special autonomy for Papua,” he explained.
In carrying out its duties, the Vice President emphasised, BP3OKP members also need to build cooperation between institutions and local leaders. This is an effort to gather strength together for the benefit of the Papuan people.
“Third, build coordination and synergy with Ministers, Heads of Institutions, Regional Heads, as well as all relevant stakeholders to lay a strong foundation in the development and handling of the Papua problem,” Ma’ruf said.
In addition, the Vice President asked the members of BP3OKP, who were appointed through Presidential Decree Number 15/M of 2023, to work by upholding the credibility of the institution, so as not to disappoint the people.
“Fourth, continue to maintain integrity, do not commit criminal acts of corruption and take advantage of positions and authority for personal or group interests,” Ma’ruf said.
The Vice President asked his staff to work by prioritising solidarity and unity in order to support in creating a safe and peaceful situation in Papua.
“Let’s build a better Papua with the spirit of togetherness and unity. Congratulations on carrying out a noble task. Be a leader who is wise, visionary, and full of integrity,” concluded Ma’ruf.
The six BP3OKP members inaugurated today are Alberth Yoku, representative of Papua Province; Irene Manibuy, representative of West Papua Province; Yoseph Yanowo Yolmen, representative of South Papua Province; Pietrus Waine, representative of Central Papua Province; Hantor Matuan, representative of Papua Highland Province; and Drs. Otto Ihalauw, representative of Southwest Papua Province.