Development in Papua has seen much progress in the past few years, with tangible benefits that are being felt by the its communities. In terms of infrastructure, the Government has opened up previously isolated areas, increasing access as well as connectivity throughout the region. Papua now has roads, bridges, settlements, and other public facilities similar in quality those found in other major cities. This has dispelled the widely-held notion that the development in Indonesia focuses too much in certain areas, ignoring the country’s periphery. An often-overlooked aspect of this development is the human dimension, as the drive to improve human resources in Papua has become an important objective.

The development of quality human resources in Papua is considered equally vital as the building of infrastructure, as it will improve the ability of Papuans to, among other things, manage their natural resources. The ability to manage these resources well will in turn will improve the welfare of Papuans as a whole. The Government’s efforts in this regard are apparent, and nothing represents this better than the construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub.

In essence, the Papua Youth Creative Hub is a centre for developing young talent and is projected to become a place to gather the best and brightest young talent from various scientific disciplines in Papua.

It is hoped that the Creative Hub can make a greater contribution in reducing the number of unemployed and poverty. The hub is located in Wahno, Abepura District in the city of Jayapura. It is currently in the middle of construction on 15.000 sqm tract of land, with the main building measuring 3.520 sqm with other buildings measuring 1812 sqm. The building is located 11 km from Jayapura.

President Joko Widodo expressed his hope that the Papua Youth Creative Hub will serve as an engine and centre for the development of young talent in Papua.

“I am sure that there is plenty of potential that is still untapped and undeveloped. That is our task in Papua and West Papua. There is plenty of talent in the fields of science, art and culture, as well as sports, and it is a major task for all of us to prepare good management, good talent management that is well arranged,” said the President at the Papua Youth Creative Hub’s ground-breaking on 2 October 2022.

The President continued that he is certain that the youth of Papua have much potential to develop. He added that the there is excellent talent in various fields. The Papua Youth Creative Hub will hopefully contain various talented individuals, such as millennial farmers, digital ecosystems, as well as developing research and innovation. He expressed his confidence that the future of Papua, as well as Indonesia, lies in the Papua Youth Creative Hub.

A number of planned facilities at the hub included co-working spaces, spaces for learning technology, digital technology, product innovations, a concert hall, dormitories and sports facilities. These facilities will hopefully serve as tools for enhancing the potential of Papua’s youth so that they may utilise their talents for the benefit of the country.

The Papua Youth Creative Hub will hopefully become the locus for and engine powering the development of exceptional talent in Papua as well as serve as a centre of creativity for the youth of Papua to strengthen the existing innovative ecosystem. This will then improve and develop their talents, whether in the domestic or international arenas.

Adapted from Membangun SDM Muda Papua Melalui Papua Youth Creative Hub