

South Sorong Red and White Guard Group Declare a Rejection of Free Papua Campaign


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West Papua Daily – Timika. The Executive Board of the Red and White Guard Branch, South Sorong Regency, West Papua, affirmed their loyalty in maintaining the integrity and sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, NKRI) and Rejection of Free Papua Campaign.

They reinstated their pledge of allegiance coincided with the anniversary (HUT) of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) on June 1, 2021, at the Trikora Monument.

The Head of the South Sorong Red and White Guard Group, Nekodemus Konjol, in a statement read out with other administrators, firmly rejected all forms of Papuan independence campaigns, because for them Papua is an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia.


Statement of the DPC Garda Merah Putih, South Sorong Regency, West Papua Province

We, The Youth (Putera Putri) of Garda Merah Putih, South Sorong Regency, hereby declare:

  1. Committed to maintaining the integrity and sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia together with the government and Indonesia Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) TNI-Police of the Republik of Indonesia (Kepolisian Republik of Indonesia, Polri)
  2. Reject all forms of the Free Papua campaign, because Papua is an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia
  3. Condemn the actions of separatist groups that disrupt security and hinder development
  4. Support all government decisions, particularly the agenda for the revision of the Papua Special Autonomy Law, while maintaining the basic rights of the Papuan people.
  5. Support all developments organized by the government for the welfare of the Papuan people.

Let’s Take Care of Papua

Jaya Always My Indonesia